Vlog Shares best practices
Vlog shares its best practices, achievements, unique events and advises on different educational topics in Lithuanian mass media – you can find articles below in English and Lithuanian:
- /Kaip tarptautinė mokykla paruošia vaiką sėkmingai ateičiai?
- / An article about uniquness of the IB DP program
Admissions and university life during pandemics: experiences and advice by teachers and students - Educators’ advice: how to draw children away from the screen during summer
- Psichologė pateikė du esminius patarimus šeimoms: į šiuos vaikų įpročius teks žiūrėti atlaidžiau
- How to overcome challenges of distance learning/ Mokytojai siunčia žinutę tėvams: kaip įveikti nuotolinio mokymosi iššūkius
- Tarptautinė Amerikos mokykla dalijasi nuotolinio mokymosi patirtimi
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- An article featuring the Vlog International Festival dedicated to 25th Anniversary of Vlog/
- An Article about Vlog Musical dedicated to the 25th Vlog Anniversary and the 100 years of Lithuanian independence anniversary/
- An article about CEESA High School Debate Tournament held at Vlog with one of Vlog teams winning the debate/
- The National Multilingual Tournament held at Vlog with participation of 17 school from all over Lithuania/ Kalbų olimpiadoje moksleiviai prabilo indėnų ir korėjiečių kalbomis
- An article about the Trashion show as part of Science week held at Vlog/
- An article about the international film festival hosted by Vlog/
- An article about CEESA Math Counts held at Vlog/
- An article about science fair held at Vlog/
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